Unser Repertoire
A Blessing - D. & N. Allen, arr. by D. Allen | |
A Child like me - G. Davis, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
Adore - G. Kendrick & M. Chalk, arr. by D. T. Clydesdale | |
Africa - D. Paich & J. Porcaro, arr. by P. Lawson | |
Agnus Dei - M.W.Smith, arr. by C. Duren | |
A King is coming to town - G. Davis, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
All the earth sings praises - G. Davis, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
Amani - A. Snyder | |
Amavolovolo - Traditional Zulu Dowry Song, arr. by R. de Beer | |
Amazing Grace - Early American Melody, C. tomlin & L. Giglio | |
Amen - K. Frazier, C. Gayle, S. Musso & J. Sherman, arr. by B. Knight | |
Amezaliwa - E. Kabuka | |
Angel Praise Medley - arr. by B. Knight | |
Anthem Of Praise - R. Smallwood, arr. by L. & J. Gardner & B. Knight | |
Asikha thali - Zulu Freedom Song, arr. by M. Brewer | |
As Loud As He Is Worthy - J. Abel, S. Barnard & B. Fowler, arr. by L. Gambill | |
Aya Gena - Traditional Africa, arr. by Dany | |
Baba Yetu - C. Kiagiri & C. Tin | |
Behold Him - P. Baloche & M. Wong, arr. by R. Mauldin | |
Believe for it - D. Hill, K. Lee, M. Wong & C. Winans, arr. by D. Wise | |
Betelehemu - V. Olatunji & w. Whalum, arr. by B. Brooks | |
Bless the Lord - T.W. Aas | |
Bora Maisha - Traditional Swahili Proverbs, R. I. Hugh | |
Born tonight - D. Bierman, arr. by R. Mauldin | |
Call his name Jesus - S. Craig, arr. by B. Knight | |
Calling - J. Cox, G. Crabb & K. P. Gooch, arr. by S. Mauldin | |
Can't Stop Singing - I. Hougton, D. Binion & J. Dufrene, arr. by B. Knight | |
Celtic Worship - arr. by B. Knight | |
Chocholoza - Traditional Zimbabwea Folk Song, arr. by M. Coolen | |
Closing Medley - arr. by C. Duren | |
Come by here, good Lord - W. Hawkins, arr. by K. Christopher | |
Come on down to Bethlehem - J. Parker, J. Raney | |
Confidence - M. Armstrong, E. Hulse, D. Lolli & C. Rohman, arr. by L. Gambill | |
Dance of Joy - D. Moffitt, A. Rice & D. Fenison, arr. by T. Cottrell | |
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel - Traditional Spiritual, arr. by Laeey Shackley | |
Does anybody here - K. Reynolds | |
Don't you wanna go? - G. Crabb, arr. by R. Mauldin | |
Down to the river to pray - Traditional, arr. by Sheldon Curry | |
Do you hear, what I hear? - N. Regney & G. Shayne, arr. by C. & J. Garnder, C. Phillips | |
Emmanuel - G. Davis & L. Gambill, arr. by B. Knight | |
End of the beginning - D. Phelps, arr. by C. Duren | |
Everybody's talking - Traditional, arr. by A. Harvey | |
Famba naye - Traditional Zimbabwean, arr. by A. L'Estrange | |
Follow Jesus - T. Wood, C. Cates, T. Smith, J. Smith, arr. by B. Knight | |
Forever - K. Jobs, B. & J. Johnson, C. Black Gifford, G. Wilson, J. Taylor, arr. by P. Nitz, J. Helvering, C. Phillips | |
Freedom is coming - Traditional Zulu, arr. by A. L'Estrange | |
Friend of God - I. Houghton, M. Gungor | |
Giving Him - D. A. Gallagher, D. Wharton, N. Borop, arr. by L. Goss | |
Giving thanks - D. A. Gallagher, D. Wharton, N. Borop, arr. by L. Goss | |
Gloria - I. Houghton & C. Cruse-Ratcliff, arr. by B. Knight | |
Gloria (Out of the darkness) - M. Weaver, M. Farren, D. Davis & T. Wood, arr. by C. Duren | |
Gloria! Sing Praise! Halleluja! - G. Hallquist | |
Glorious city of God - P. Cross, arr. by L. Goss | |
Glorious God - M. Duren & M. Lapointe, arr. by C. Duren | |
God Is in this Story - J. Pardo, K. Nichole & E. Hulse, arr. by P. Nitz | |
God is my everything - P. Gray Jr., arr. by M. Speck & C. Duren | |
God is Real - R., L. & J. Mills, S. C. Smith & B. Weeks, arr. by C. Duren | |
God is with us - P. Barfoot & R. J. Peck, arr. by B. Knight | |
Go down Moses - Traditional Spiritual | |
God who reigns on high - T. Wood & M. Farren, arr. by C. Duren | |
Goliath - J. P. Williams, J. M. Martin | |
Go tell it on the mountain - Traditional Spiritual | |
Go tell it on the mountain - J. W. Work Jr., arr. by J. Rouse | |
Good Good Father - P. Barrett & A. Brown, arr. by D. Semsen | |
Good News - Traditional | |
Gonna sit down and rest a while - P. Drennan | |
Great and Mighty - D.B. Scott, arr. by B. Knight | |
Great God Great Praise - K. Carr, arr. by B. Knight | |
Great, Great Joy - M. Hayes | |
Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe - East African Worship Song, arr. by K. Aamot | |
Halleluja - G. Davis, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
Halleluja to the King - J.M. Webb | |
Heart of Worship - M. Redman, arr. by B. Knight | |
He is - H. Bentley, D. Drowder & J. Pardo, arr. by J. Rouse | |
He is still the Christ of Christmas - G. Davis, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
He never failed me yet - R. Ray | H |
He shall reign forevermore - M. Daher & C. Tomlin, arr. by D. Semsen | |
He's here - P. Barfoot & R.J. Peck, arr. by C. Duren | |
He will carry you - S.W. Brown, arr. by J. Rouse | |
Holy Forever - C. Tomlin, B. & J. Johnson, J. Ingram & P. Wickham, arr. by C. Duren | |
Holy is the Lamb - T.W. Aas | |
Holy thou art God - R. Smallwood, arr. by B. Knight | |
House of the Lord - J. Smith, P. Wickham, arr. by P. Nitz | |
How awesome is our God - I. Houghton, M. Houghton & N. Diedericks, arr. by N. Diedericks | |
Hymn of Heaven - P. Wickham, C. Davenport, B. & B. Johnson, arr. by J. Rouse | |
I Am - J. Nelson & D. Sorey, arr. by B. Knight | |
I can go to God in prayer - C. Bridges, arr. by C. Cymbala | |
If I be lifted up - G. Davis & M. Willard, arr. by G. Davis | |
I heard the bells - P. Barfoot & R.J. Peck, arr. by B. Knight | |
I know it was the blood - W. Haun & J. Lindsey, arr. by C. Duren | |
I'm gonna ride in the chariot - Negro Spiritual, arr. by K. Heizmann | |
Impossible things - B. Brown, C. Mc Clarney, C. Tomlin & E. Cash, arr. by C. Duren & T. Reeves | |
I'm So Blessed - L. Cain, M. Cain Johnson, T. Cain Matz, M. West & J. Smith, arr. by D. Galbraith | |
In good hands - W.J. & G. Gaither, D. & R. Mc Guise, arr. by J. Rouse | |
In praise of you - S.C. Smith & T. Labar, arr. by L. & J. Gardner & C. Philips | |
In the sanctuary - K. Carr | |
I saw the light - C. Nunn | |
I shall wear a crown - Traditional, arr. by J. Rouse | |
I still believe in Christmas - A. Wilson, J. Pardo & M. West, arr. by P. Nitz | |
It won't be long - A. Crouch, arr. by J. Rouse | |
I vow to Worship you - T. Walker, arr. by B. Knight | |
I will follow Him - J.W. Stole & P. Thibaut | |
Jenga Imani Yako - I. Kagaruki, arr. by E. Rogers | |
Jesus - C. Tomlin & E. Cash, arr. by P. Nitz | |
Jesus is coming back again - V. Dymel | |
Jesus is the answer - A. Edward & S. Crouch | |
Jesus, King of Kings - T. Wood & M. Farren, arr. by C. Duren | |
Jesus Messiah - J. Reeves, E. Cash, C. Tomlin & D. Carson, arr. by J. Rouse | |
Jesus Promised - T. Carbenter | |
Joshua, fought the battle - Traditional, Chorsatz: E. Ring | |
Journey Medley - arr. by R. Mauldin | |
Joy - K. Franklin, arr. by J.D. Smith | |
Joy in my heart - T. Goodman Sykes & W. Mills arr. by M. Hamby | |
Joy to the world - M. Mcelroy, J. Joubert & B. Red, arr. by B. Knight | |
Keep your lamps burning - Traditional, arr. by C. Nunn | |
Kuna Karamu - S.K. Albrecht | |
Lean on me - K. Franklin, arr. by A. Williams | |
Let all the people say Amen - P. Choplin | |
Let earth reseive her King - T. Wood & M. Farren, arr. by C. Duren | |
Let it shine - G. Davis, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knigt | |
Let us break bread together - Negro Spiritual, arr. by A.D.Z. | |
Lift your light - M. McDonald | |
Let the Saints sing - A. Perry, T. Smith, M. Farren, A. Hall & T. Wood | |
Long was it spoken - T. Wood & M. Farren, arr. by C. Duran | |
Lord, have mercy - P. Choplin | |
Lord I need you - C. Nickels, D. Carson, J. Reeves, K. Stanfill & M. Maher, arr. by D. Semsen | |
Lord of heaven - P. Barfoot & R.J. Peck, arr. by B. Knight | |
Love lifted me - Z. Matoga & P.N. Thompson, arr. by B. Knight | |
Made for More - J. Smith, B. Wiggins, J. Early & J. Baldwin, arr. by N. Robertson | |
Make it clear - D. & N. Allen, arr. by D. Allen | |
Midgnight Hallelujah - D. Clark & C. Duren, arr. by P. Nitz | |
Mighty Good - A.W. Lindsey, J. Burt & T. Cory, arr. by B. Knight | |
Mighty wind - A. Crouch, arr. by E. Fossum | |
Mountain mover - J. Brady, T. Wood & B. Weeks, arr. by C. Duren | |
My God is a rock - Traditional Spiritual, arr. by G. Walth | |
My God is real - K. Morris, arr. by R. Mauldin | |
My Jesus - J. Pardo, M. West & A. Wilson, arr. by C. Phillips & P. Nitz | |
My life is in your hand - K. Franklin | |
Never forsaken - J. Lindsey & W. Haun, arr. by M. Hamby | |
New name written down in glory - D. Gentiles, C. Gayle, D. Gibbs & the Emerging Sound, arr. by D. Semsen | |
Nkosi Jesu - Traditional Zulu, J. Spacht | |
Nkosi Sikelel'i Africa - E. Mankayi Sontonga, arr. by K. Aloritias | |
Nobody - J.M. Hall, M. West, B. Herms, arr. by P. Nitz | |
No Greater - A. Love III, arr. by C. Duren | |
No greater love - H. Walker & J. Martin, arr. by G. Davis & T. Brinson | |
Noel - C. Tomlin, E. Cash & M. Redman, arr. by P. Nitz | |
Nothin' gonna stumble my feet - J. Parker & G. Gilpin | |
Ode of Joy - H. van Dyke, Ludwig van Beethoven, arr. by K. Christopher | |
Oh come Immanuel - T. Wood & M. Farren, arr. by C. Duren | |
Oh happy day - Traditional, arr. by E. Hawkins | |
Oh, holy night - P. Wright III & L. Shipman, arr. by B. Knight | |
Old Church Basement - S. Furtick, D. Bowe, B. Lake & C. Moore, arr. by C. Duren | |
O Sifuni Mungu - D. Maddux, M. McCall & M. Mwenebulongo Mulongoy & A. Yunu Mukalay, arr. by R. Emerson | |
Our God saves - P. Baloche & B. Brown, arr. by D. Williamson | |
Peace in the midst of the storm - S.R. Adams, arr. by D.T. Clydesdale | |
Power - T.W. aas & C. Bridges | |
Praise - P. Barrett, C. Brown, C. Carnes, S. Furtick, B. Lake, C. Moore, arr. by P. Nitz | |
Pray for the people - P. Choplin | |
Precious Lord take my hand - T.A. Dorsey, arr. by K. Garner & T. Reeves | |
Pression on - B. Dylan, arr. by C. Phillips | |
Psalm 1 - D. & N. Allen, arr. by D. Allen | |
Put your hand in the hands - G. Maclellan | |
Reckless love - C. Culver, C. Asbury & R. Jackson, arr. by D. Wise & D. Shipps | Re |
Redeemed - B. Cowart & M. Weaver, arr. by M. Speck & S. Whitmire | |
Rock-a my soul - Traditional Spiritual, arr. by K. Shaw | |
Same God - P. Barrett, C. Brown, S. Furtick & B. Lake, arr. by C. Duren | |
Say the name - M. Farren, J. Habedank & T. Wood, arr. by C. Duren | |
Seed to sow - M.W. Smith, arr. by R. Emerson | |
Shine on - G. Davis, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
Shine your light - J. Groth & T.W. Aas | |
Silent Night with Close your eyes and sleep - arr. by H. Sorenson | |
Sing Joy - G. Davis, B. Knight & R. Stone, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
Sing Noel - arr. by D. Hamilton | |
Siyahamba - arr. by R. Robinson | |
Sometines I feel - Traditional Spiritual, Originalbearbeitung L. Kosse | |
Song in the air - C. Eaton, C. Nockels & N. Nockels, arr. by B. Knight | |
Song of my heart - N. Walker, D. Binion & J. Dufrene, arr. by D. Semsen | |
Soon and very soon - A. Crouch, arr. by R.A. Dilworth | |
Stand - J. Brady, B. Weeks & T. Wood, arr. by R. Kingsmore | |
Standin in the need of prayer - Traditional Spiritual, arr. by J. Reney | |
Stranger - D. Lawrence, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
Take me to the King - K. Franklin, arr. by G. Davis | |
Ten thausend years - arr. by L. Goss | |
The answere is Jesus - L. Black, K. Peck Gooch & K. Turner West, arr. by M. Hamby | |
The blood will never lose it's power - A. Crouch, arr. by J. Rouse | |
The good, good news - L. Harris, D. Clark & N. Robertson, arr. by N. Robertson | |
The greatness of our God - C. Wedgeworth, B. Fowler & E. Hulse, arr. by D. Semsen | |
The Joy - A. Holt & M. Wong, arr. by J. Rouse | |
The joy I feel - An East African Medley, arr. by T. Gregory transcribed D. LeJeune | |
The light has come - C. Duren & K. Kirkland, arr. by C. Duren | |
The Lord's Prayer - B. Fowler, M. Maher, J. Sooter, arr. by D. Wise | |
The name that changed the world - W. Haun, J. Lendsey & L. Rowell, arr. by C. Duren | |
The old landmark - Traditional, arr. by W. Haun | |
The only name - B. Cowart, arr. by H. Ross | |
There's a light a-coming - D. Lantz III | |
There's power in the blood - L.E. Jones, arr. by J. Rouse | |
This is a move - T. Cobbs Leonard, B. Lake, T. Brown & N. Moore, arr. by N. Robertson | |
Thulasizwe - Südafrika, Satz U. Hofer | |
To the one - J. Pardo, A. Palmer & A. Parker, arr. by C. Wagner & K. Monroe | |
Use me - D. Jones & K. Jones, arr. by C. Cymbala | |
Victory is mine - D. Norwood, A. Darling & E.M. Bartlett, arr. by H. Ross | |
Walk in the light - Traditional | |
We are called - J. Rieger | |
We are not ashamed - G. Davis, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
We believe - L. Kosse, Chorsatz: E. Ring | |
We give you thanks - R. Vader & J. Rouse, arr. by J. Rouse | |
We have a savior - B. Glover & R. Morgan, arr. by H. Sorenson | |
We have come to worship - G. Davis, arr. by G. Davis & B. Knight | |
We lift our hands - T.W. Aas & C. Bridges | |
We lift your names up high - D. Thomas | |
Well done - D. Scott & G. Davis, arr. by B. Knight | |
We're telling good news - M. Harland, C. Duren & D. Clark, arr. by C. Phillips | |
We've come a long way - Traditional Liberian Song, arr. by J.A. Behnke | |
What faith can do - S. Davis & S. Krippayne, arr. by D. Allen | |
What kind of throne - T. Wood & M. Farren, arr. by C. Duren | |
What this world needs - H. Cervantes & M. Hall, arr. by D. Allen | |
Wonderful love - T. Wood, M. Farren & C. Wesley, arr. by C. Duren | |
Worship his glory, worship the King - M. McDonald, arr. by M. McDonald | |
Worth - A. Brown, arr. by B. Knight | |
Yes and Amen - C. McClarney, N. Moore & T. Browwn, arr. by C. Duren & T. Reeves | |
Yesu ni wangu - Traditional Swahili Song, arr. by R. Morris Gray | |
You always take care of me - J. Johnson, arr. by D. Allen | |
You are life - S. Ligertwood, A. King, B. Tan & M.G. Chislett, arr. by C. Duren | |
You are my God - J. Rieger | |
Your grace finds me - M. Redman & J. Myrin, arr. by H. Ross | |
Your name - G. Packiam, P. Baloche, arr. by G. Allen | |